Alkemie presents “Like A Woman: Finding the Feminine in Medieval France”

Alkemie presents “Like a Woman: Finding the Feminine in Medieval France”

Event time:
Sunday, October 10, 4:00 -5:00 pm EDT

Tickets start at $15; please contact to inquire about group/class viewing rates and/or if circumstances necessitate financial aid.

Church of St. Luke in the Fields (487 Hudson, St., NYC)

Event description:
A new Alkemie program featuring 15th-century French songs from the female or non-gendered poetic perspective. These pieces, wrenchingly emotional and playful by turns, provide a counternarrative to the pedestals & pitfalls of courtly love . . . a paradigm with a legacy that complicates partnerships to this day. This concert features Tracy Cowart (voice, harps), David McCormick (vielle), Elena Mullins (voice, harp, percussion), Sian Ricketts (voice, winds), and Niccolo Seligmann (vielles, gittern, percussion).

Open to: General Public

Contact:; (929) 445-8613

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