Early Music News & Reviews


Good Manners, Good Music: Adventures in the Galant with Elinor Frey

Good Manners, Good Music: Adventures in the Galant with Elinor Frey

Jacob Jahiel
Few performers have spent as much time exploring the galant as Baroque cellist Elinor Frey, who has made the style the subject of numerous concert projects, critical editions, seminars, and a fast-growing discography.
Toil & Trouble: Sight-Reading for Success

Toil & Trouble: Sight-Reading for Success

Judith Malafronte
No one is born knowing how to sight-sing, but throughout history it's been a necessary skill for good musicianship. 'I find it extremely annoying to work with singers who can’t sight-read. It’s essential — right up there with being a good colleague and being easy to work with.'
'Versailles Spectacles' Celebrates 400

‘Versailles Spectacles’ Celebrates 400

Simon Mundy
Versailles, celebrating its 400th anniversary, attracts some seven million tourists each year. The Versailles Spectacles, a private corporation, sells millions of tickets to its deluxe entertainments: from fireworks and fountains to horse shows and DJ techno under the stars -- and all of it helps subsidize the palace's Opéra Royal.
Why Attend a Summer Workshop?

Why Attend a Summer Workshop?

Anne Timberlake
Anne Timberlake, guest editor for this week's E-Notes newsletter, has compiled everything you need to know to get started at an early-music summer workshop. A veteran recorder player and teacher, Timberlake says these workshops are all about making music in community. But what can you expect from the experience? She has some answers.

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Endlessly Satisfying Schumann from Trio Ilona

Endlessly Satisfying Schumann from Trio Ilona

Anne E. Johnson
By now, we're used to the astonishing insights gleaned by 19th-century classics performed in a historically informed style. Trio Ilona's debut, in chamber music of Robert Schumann, adds yet more understanding. Their playing is at turns joyous, sparkling, and beautifully balanced.
A Problematic New History of Keyboards

A Problematic New History of Keyboards

John Koster
Although scholars often research particular types of historical keyboard instruments — clavichords, harpsichords, pianos — the makers themselves would have dealt with whatever was current in their city and era. With this in mind, historical keyboard expert Stewart Pollens attempts an integrated history of all stringed keyboards, with mixed success.
A Film of Schütz’s 'Resurrection' for the 21st Century

A Film of Schütz’s ‘Resurrection’ for the 21st Century

Jeffrey Baxter
Dresden's Ensemble Polyharmonique made an outstanding recording of Heinrich Schütz’s rarely performed Easter oratorio 'History of the Resurrection' and follow up with an award-winning film. In music, dance, and dark atmosphere, they depict 'a film-tale about love, faith, and the incomprehensible.'
Madrigals from the 'Divine' Cipriano de Rore

Madrigals from the ‘Divine’ Cipriano de Rore

Karen M. Cook
The latest recording from the ensemble Profeti della Quinta, founded and led by Elam Rotem, explores Rore's lesser known first book of madrigals. Popular in their day, these were widely reprinted as vocal or instrumental pieces and used for teaching — but never recorded in their original four-voice setting till now.

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Featuring the much-anticipated return to Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610 to celebrate Cantata Singers’ 60th anniversary, a first-ever regional tour, a commission and world premiere by composer Scott Perkins, and a ...
Serving its audiences throughout Southern California, the area’s premier early music ensemble Musica Angelica has announced its 2024-25 season. Performances will take place at the First Congregational Church of Long ...
Tactus SF, a Bay Area (CA)-based chamber choir specializing in a cappella music of the Renaissance, is delighted to welcome its new Music Director, Sven Edward Olbash. Sven will lead ...
S’Cool Sounds (SCS) provides hands-on music instruction for K-12 children through classroom teaching, after school programs, and community events. With thriving in-person programs well-established in both New York City and ...
The North Carolina Baroque Orchestra Directed by Frances Blaker Musical Gems Celebrating Summerworks by baroque masters Bach, Rameau, Vivaldi and more The North Carolina Baroque Orchestra(NCBO) performs baroque favorites to celebrate ...

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