American Bach Society presents “Tiny Bach Concerts”

In September 2020, the American Bach Society (ABS) launched Tiny Bach Concerts, a monthly video series featuring short Bach performances prefaced by brief scholarly commentary. Early contributors include the Washington Bach Consort and Matthew Dirst/Mario Aschauer with Ars Lyrica Houston. Upcoming episodes will feature organist Kola Owolabi, the Bloomington Bach Cantata Project, harpsichordist/scholar Rebecca Cypess, and scholars Ellen Exner and Paul Walker.

Episode transcripts, timestamps, and translations make this an accessible video resource for both enthusiasts and educators. To view episodes as they are released, subscribe to the ABS YouTube channel (, follow the ABS on Twitter (@ambachsociety) or Facebook, or visit the ABS Video homepage (

The ABS welcomes quality footage of works by J.S. Bach or other Bach family members, approximately ten minutes in length, from a diverse range of performers in the early music community. Those interested in contributing archival or new footage to Tiny Bach Concerts can contact Project Coordinator Carrie Allen Tipton with proposals at

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