- Cover:Â The Makers of Dreams: Instrument Builders by Adam Knight Gilbert
- Builders in Boston by Andrew J. Sammut
- Reconnecting with Tradition Through Historical Recordings by Judith Malafronte
- The New(ish) Early Music Ensembles of Texas by Joshua Figueroa
- Visual Puzzles, Aural Resolutions: Playing From Early Notation by Karen Cook
- From the Editor: If You Build, They Will Play
- From the Executive Director: Keeping Legacies Alive
- The Art of the Amateur: Savoring the Source: David Montanye
- Early to Rise: A Musical Chameleon Comes Into Her Own: Clare McNamara
- In Memoriam 2019
- Annual Member Listing
- Canto: Voices of Inspiration by Arianne Abela
- EMAg Puzzle by Joshua Kosma
- Musings: Our Beloved Ripple by Thomas Forrest Kelly