The season continues in March at Pealer Recital Hall on the FSU campus, with a very special 2024-2025 concert, Back to Back: Bach to Bach. The compositions of Johann Sebastian Bach are at the heart of the Baroque repertory, providing a richness and variety that could fill a multitude of concerts. For this season’s offering, we have chosen the unforgettable sound of his rarely-heard concerto for three harpsichords, spotlighting three of the best keyboard artists on the East Coast: Marc Bellassai, Elisabeth Wright and Elliot Figg. The orchestra will be led by Mountainside favorite, and  Juilliard faculty, Cynthia Roberts. Coupled with this is his rarely heard cantata 147, which features the well-known chorale, “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring.” No concert of Bach would be complete without tongue-in-cheek music by the oddest of his twenty-odd children, P. D. Q Bach, with his oratorio, The Seasonings, featuring some of the rarer instruments of the time, such as the recently invented tromboon, kazoo, and windbreaker. A concert to be experienced in person!