Dr. Jeffery Kite-Powell


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Kingston, Massachusetts

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Professor Emeritus at the Florida State University College of Music and former Coordinator of Music History and Musicology, received the B.M. degree in clarinet performance from the College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati and the B.S. in Music Education from the University of Cincinnati. He earned an M.A. in Musicology with a minor in Philosophy from the University of New Mexico and the Ph.D. in Musicology with minors in Music Education and English Literature from the University of Hamburg, in Hamburg, Germany.

In addition to teaching music history and musicology-related courses, Professor Kite-Powell directed the FSU Early Music Ensemble, a group that often exceeded fifty graduate and undergraduate students divided into ensembles of brass, woodwind, and string instrumentalists, and the select vocal group, Cantores Musicæ Antiquæ.

His publications include:

* the definitive study of The Visby (Petri) Organ Tablature of 1611, Heinrichshofen's Press in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 1980. (digital copy at: https://www.academia.edu/42217807/The_Visby_Petri_Tablature_from_1611, published by

*the reconstruction of Hugo Leichsenring's important dissertation on Church Music in Hamburg during the Reformation (Berlin, 1922), published by Wagner Publishers, Hamburg, Germany, 1982; digital copy at: https://www.academia.edu/44757682/Hamburgische_Kirchenmusik_im_Reformationszeitalter

*A Performer's Guide to Renaissance Music, editor of and contributor to both the 1994 first edition (Schirmer Books) and the 2007 expanded and revised second edition (Indiana University Press.

*a translation and edition of Michael Praetorius's Syntagma Musicum III, published by Oxford University Press in 2004;

*an article entitled "Notating–Accompanying–Conducting: Intabulation Usage in the Levoca Manuscripts," in the Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music, Vol. 1, Spring 2021.  https://sscm-jscm.org/jscm-issues/volume-27-no-1/notating-accompanying-conducting/ 

*an article entitledMichael Praetorius's Organ works: The Notation Conundrum Revisited, In Organists' Review, March, 2021, pp. 25-31.  Digital copy at:  https://www.academia.edu/44703598/Michael_Praetoriuss_Organ_works_The_Notation_Conundrum_Revisited


*an article entitled "Michael Praetorius: In His Own Words, Early Music America Magazine 10/1 (Spring 2004): 26-29. Digital copy at: https://www.academia.edu/42218676/Michael_Praetorius_In_His_Own_Words

*In 2011 a book chapter entitled "Performance Forces and Italian Influence in Michael Praetorius's Syntagma Musicum III" was published as vol. 5 in the series Ligaturen: Musikwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch der Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien, Hannover, 115-32, Hildesheim: Georg Olms.  https://www.academia.edu/42212176/Performance_Forces_and_Italian_Influence_in_Michael_Praetoriuss_Syntagma_Musicum_III_1

*The revised and expanded edition of A Performer's Guide to Seventeenth-Century Music, edited by J. Kite-Powell, was released by Indiana University Press in 2012.

*On his retirement, over twenty colleagues and former students from across the country contributed to a book entitled "Hands-On" Musicology: Essays in Honor of Jeffery Kite-Powell," published in 2012 (see http://www.steglein.com/Books/books.php).

*In 2019 his article, "Michael Praetorius's Variable Options on Performance" was published in the journal De musica disserenda, No. 2:  https://www.academia.edu/42212165/MICHAEL_PRAETORIUSS_VARIABLE_OPINIONS_ON_PERFORMANCE

*His chapter entitled “German Organ Tablature” will appear in  Tablature: Alternate music notations 1300-1750, John Griffiths, editor. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, Summer, 2023.

a paper deliverat the a conference in Edinburgh, Scotland entitled “The Relationship between the Instrumentälischer Bettlermantl and the Syntagma Musicum of Michael Praetorius: AS and MPC compared," 1997.  Digital copy at: https://www.academia.edu/42212456/_The_Relationship_between_the_Instrument%C3%A4lischer_Bettlermantl_and_the_Syntagma_Musicum_of_Michael_Praetorius_AS_and_MPC_compared_

* a paper delivereed at a conference in Hamburg Germany, 1995 "The Hieronymus/Anonymous Question in the Visby (Petri) Tablature."  Digital copy at: https://www.academia.edu/42273397/The_Hieronymus_Anonymous_Question_in_the_Visby_Petri_Tablature_1

Dr. Kite-Powell has been an invited lecturer at international conferences in Göteborg, Sweden, 1994, Hamburg, Germany, 1995, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1997 (where he was the keynote speaker), and Wolfenbüttel, Germany, 2008.

He has been a clinician at workshops around the Southeast and has taught at the Amherst Early Music Institute.

Professor Kite-Powell served as president of Early Music America (1998-2001), treasurer of the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music (1997-1999), and president of the Southern Chapter of the American Musicological Society (1992-1994).

Other activities include service for several years (through 2010) on the editorial board of the Seventeenth-Century Society's Web Library of Seventeenth-Century Music, and he served (2010-2012) on the American Musicological Society Performance Committee, and organized the events for the convention in San Francisco in November, 2011. He also served on the Advisory Board of Early Music America Magazine for several years.

Honors and awards include:

Travel to Collections grant from the NEH, 1992
President's (FSU) Foundation Grant, 1992-1993
Teacher Incentive Award, 1994
Early Music America's Thomas Binkley Award for Outstanding Achievement by a Collegium Director; presented at the Boston Early Music Festival, June 2003

Festschrift: Hands-On" Musicology: Essays in Honor of Jeffery Kite-Powell, published in 2012.

Selections from his ensembles' concerts can be heard at:

Online research links:




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