Derek S. Tam


Contact Information


San Francisco, California

Early Music Skills & Interests

Clavichord, Conductor, Fortepiano, Harpsichord

Early Music Affiliations

Administrator, Board Member -EMA, Concert Producer, Conductor, Music/Artistic Director, Performer


Praised not only for his “deft” conducting (San Francisco Chronicle​) but also as a “a master of [the harpsichord]” (San Francisco Classical Voice) and “the fortepianist of the beguiling fingers” (Bloomington Herald-Times), Derek Tam appears regularly throughout the Bay Area and beyond as a conductor and historical keyboardist.

He is the executive director of the San Francisco Early Music Society, a major advocate for early music in the United States, and serves as the artistic director of the biennial Berkeley Festival & Exhibition, an internationally-renowned celebration of early music.

Tam is the president of the board of Early Music America, a national organization dedicated to strengthening historical performance.


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