Mr. Lawrence Zukof


Contact Information


Guilford, Connecticut

Early Music Skills & Interests


Early Music Affiliations



Biography for Lawrence Zukof

Lawrence Zukof (recorder and voice) has performed extensively with numerous renowned professional performing groups. He toured the US and Europe with the Boston Camerata and has been a recorder soloist with Civic Orchestra of Boston, Orchestra New England, the Baroque Orchestra of Holy Lutheran and Trinity Church. He sang regularly with the Pro-Arte Singers, Connecticut’s pre-eminent professional chamber choir, for nearly a decade. As a singer and recorder soloist, Mr. Zukof has also performed with Cappela Cantorum and at the Yale Norfolk Summer Festival, the Yale Center for British Art, and he currently sings with Yale Camerata and the Chamber Chorus.

Mr. Zukof teaches privately and is a regular workshop leader for various chapters of the American Recorder Society, including the Recorder Society of CT, Eastern Recorder Society of CT, Long Island RS, and the New York Recorder Guild. He is a workshop leader fin Maine through the Traveling Teacher Program of the ARS and has been a guest for the Boston, and Ann Arbor MI Recorder Societies. He is on the faculty at Early Music Week at Pinewoods where he was also the program director, 2015-17. Past workshops also include Amherst Early Music Festival, Westminster Choir College, Skidmore College, and Binghamton/Ithaca players.

Recently, Mr. Zukof stepped down as the Executive Director of the Neighborhood Music School (1996-2014), one of the ten largest community arts schools in the country. Before coming to New Haven, Mr. Zukof was the Director of Brookline Music School, MA (1984-1996). He received his Master of Music degree from the New England Conservatory of Music (Boston, MA) in early music and continues his musical journey currently focusing on viola da gamba and violin.



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