Rylie Patching


Contact Information




Clinton, Washington

Early Music Skills & Interests


Early Music Affiliations



Rylie is one of the recipients of the "Early Music America 2023 IDEA Workshop Scholarship". The money from this scholarship was used to attend Amherst Early Music Festival July 2023. 



During the summer of 2018 (at the age of 12), Rylie was introduced to the Baroque bassoon at a modern bassoon camp hosted by Dr. David Wells. After obessing about the sound and style of this instrument for a year, Rylie (at the age of 13) started learning the Baroque bassoon under the guidance of Dr. Anna Marsh (whom she still studies with). Rylie performed her first Baroque bassoon recital online during the pandemic when she was 14 years old, and when she was 15 years old, she joined Seattle Historical Arts for Kids – Early Music Youth Academy, which she regularly plays Baroque bassoon and sometimes historically informed Baroque style on modern bassoon.

Rylie has taught at a youth recorder camp for Seattle Historical Arts for Kids, and she has played chamber music for Seattle Historical Arts for Kids Baroque dance class. In January 2023, Rylie presented with Dr. Anna Marsh on Baroque style at the Meg Quigley Vivaldi Competition and Bassoon Symposium, and shortly after attending Meg Quigley, she created “Y-415 Connection”, which is a youth-to-youth early music education outreach. In June 2023, Rylie attended Oberlin's Barqoue Performance Institute, and in July 2023, she attended Amherst Early Music Festival. In addition to being a recipient of EMA's 2023 IDEA Workshop Scholarship, Rylie was also awarded a scholarship from Amherst Early Music Festival. 


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