Musicology Forum:”Silent Music, Secret Writing: An Overview of Old Hispanic Notation and Visigothic Cryptography”

The USC Thornton Musicology and Early Music programs are excited to welcome Elsa de Luca to the first Musicology Forum of our Early Modern Studies Institute Early Music Series of 2020-21.  We will take an imaginary tour of medieval Iberia, visiting monk scribes, charters, and some music whose sound has been lost forever.

Elsa De Luca holds the position of Researcher at the NOVA University of Lisbon, where she is currently pursuing palaeographical research into Iberian medieval notation through the research project ‘A pre-Gregorian musical repertory under scrutiny: neumes, scribes, and books of the Old Hispanic Chant‘. In addition, she is Coordinator of the Portuguese Early Music Database; co-director of the book series Musicalia Antiquitatis & Medii Aevi, published by Brepols; and she is Administrative Chair (2020) and member of the Board of the Music Encoding Initiative (2019-21).

Elsa holds a PhD in Historical Musicology (Università del Salento, 2011) and a Piano Diploma (2002). She has published articles on the notation, cryptography, and liturgy in a selection of Iberian and French manuscripts (10th – 16th cent.). Elsa has collaborated in several research projects in Italy, France, Portugal, the UK, and Canada.

When: Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2020 at 1:00pm PST (4pm EST)

Where: Register for this online session via Zoom.

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