Organization Member Contact Type Form

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Description of Content Types:
Primary Contact, receives all correspondence from EMA with the exception of membership renewal reminders & payment receipts unless the primary contact’s email is the primary email for the organization record
Advertising Contact(s), receives advertising information from EMA
Programming Contact(s), receives information on all events and programming requests from EMA

If you need to update your contact information in the future or have more contacts to add, you may submit the form again. Please note, the email associated with your organization record will receive information regarding membership renewal reminders & payment receipts. This is the same email in which you use to login to our website. This form does not update the email associated with your EMA Organization account/login.

Please use the email address associated with your Organization Membership.

Select all that apply. Please see descriptions above.

Select all that apply. Please see descriptions above.

Select all that apply. Please see descriptions above.

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