Participate in Partbook singing dissertation research

Renaissance Partbooks Research!

My dissertation research at the University of Illinois is centered around creating modernized partbooks of 16th century polyphony (full score for the conductor), having several dozen conductors lead rehearsals and a performance with these partbooks, and then respond to two questionnaires about their experience. I currently have over 25 confirmed participants from across the United States (high school, church choir, collegiate, and professional) and hope to add several more. 

The expectation of each participating conductor:

  1. By November 1, 2023 perform one piece of Renaissance polyphony using my modernized partbooks.
  2. Respond to two questionnaires – once before the project begins and once after your performance.

I will have several pieces to choose from, but you may also request a piece and I will create a new score and partbooks.


**If you are interested, please contact me, Matthew Christopher Shepard, at

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