“The Moon Before Yule” On-Demand in August

Forget Christmas in July, we’ve got Solstice in August! For the month of August, you can enjoy the online video of our 2021 winter solstice concert, “The Moon Before Yule”. Performed live on Dec. 20 to a very limited audience, we’re now sharing it with all of you. The program includes French Baroque noels, Spanish villancicos, Sephardic songs, shape-note hymns, Irish reels, and more. Jollity guaranteed and participation encouraged, with a few surprises along the way—you’ll feel like you’re right there with us.

Sophie Michaux, mezzo-soprano
Ari Nieh, bass-baritone
Karen Burciaga, violin, guitar, percussion, voice
Dan Meyers, recorders, flutes, bagpipes, percussion, voice
Josh Schreiber, bass viol, percussion, voice
Matthew Wright, archlute, bandora, voice

$10 at https://www.seventimessalt.com/merch/p/the-moon-before-yule-live-concert-video

Your purchase directly helps STS as we embark on our 20th Anniversary Season–details coming soon! After purchasing, you’ll have access for the month of August to watch as often as you wish. A program PDF is included with the video link.

Filmed at Church of the Good Shepherd, Watertown, MA

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