Contact Information
Watertown, Massachusetts
Early Music Skills & Interests
Voice - Alto, Voice - Mezzo-Soprano, Voice - SopranoEarly Music Affiliations
Educator, Music/Artistic Director, Performer
Teri Kowiak finds her home at the extreme ends of vocal repertoire, holding a fascination for both the early notation of the middle ages and works by living composers where the ink is barely dry. Valued as both a soloist and collaborator, Teri has performed early and new music works with Cappella Clausura, Wholetone Opera, Red Shift, and Vox Futura.
Teri’s love of medieval music and her determination to bring it out of the textbooks and into the world led her to found Meravelha, an ensemble of singers and instrumentalists. Teri has served as artistic director since their first performance in 2012, designing multimedia concerts that include medieval art (and sometimes food!). Meravelha has collaborated in performance with Seven Times Salt and other early music specialists, and has been featured on the Society for Historically-Informed Performance (SoHIP) Summer Concert Series multiple times.
Outside of performing, Teri loves to help others make music. She runs a thriving private voice studio, gives workshops on performance practice, and provides choral coaching to local ensembles.
Teri teaches from her home studio in Watertown MA, and also teaches remotely through Zoom.