EMAg Features

Revisit the EMA Awards 2023 for Outstanding Work in Early Music

Revisit the EMA Awards 2023 for Outstanding Work in Early Music

Anne E. Johnson
Revisit the the 2023 EMA Awards ceremony from the Summit in Boston, recognizing three musicians for their achievements: Lindsey Macchiarella, Arthur Haas, and Ruben Valenzuela and his Bach Collegium San Diego.
An Early-Music Climate Activist on Disrupting Performances

An Early-Music Climate Activist on Disrupting Performances

John Mark Rozendaal
Guest editorial: We are in the midst of a global mass extinction caused by a rapid change in climate. The scale of these problems means that the crisis cannot be addressed without action from the world’s most powerful governments — and they have utterly failed to respond. It’s an attitude of enjoying order (and short-term profits) more than pursuing justice. This comes despite years of scientists’ and citizens’ good-faith efforts to work within the system. To shake our friends’ complacency was our goal in disrupting the Met Opera... 
Rocky Mountain High Baroque

Rocky Mountain High Baroque

Jacob Jahiel
Where cows outnumber people, early music finds a foothold in the high Rockies with ensembles like Wyoming Baroque, Baroque Music Montana, and the Baroque Chamber Orchestra of Colorado. 'Figuring out practical solutions for rural problems is a really Western way of thinking.'
Asserting Her Voice

Asserting Her Voice

Rebecca Cypess
The story of Angélique Diderot, talented as a keyboardist and composer, involves a famous father, a distinguished teacher, and a quirky treatise. It's a glimpse into how women in early modern Europe broke a taboo and learned to compose.
Revivals Go ’Round and ’Round

Revivals Go ’Round and ’Round

Loren Ludwig
'Early music' gets revived anew every few generations. What can an earlier revival teach us about our current revival;s method and aims?
The Many Faces of 'Lisette'

The Many Faces of ‘Lisette’

Ashley Mulcahy
It's a poem, a song, a history across geographies. The Lisette Project uses an old Haitian Creole song to explore questions of political power and cultural equity. It's part of a 'fabulous, curious, and sometimes problematic mishmash' from both sides of the Atlantic.
Art of the Day Job

Art of the Day Job

Genevieve McGahey
If you earn a living away from music, are you still a professional musician? There are many paths to a balanced career and life, but singers are often reluctant to speak about them.
Emi Ferguson's Moment in History

Emi Ferguson’s Moment in History

Emery Kerekes
Flutist-composer-singer Emi Ferguson is a renaissance woman at the highest level—a teacher, an activist, and, above all, a thinker.
Vicente Lusitano - A Legacy Recovered

Vicente Lusitano – A Legacy Recovered

Garrett Schumann
As the only published composer of African descent in 16th-century Europe, Vicente Lusitano's compelling music and life are overdue for reevaluation.
The Unmistakable Sound of Thomas Dunford

The Unmistakable Sound of Thomas Dunford

Emery Kerekes
The French-American lutenist is on an unstoppable rise to the top of the international early-music scene.
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