EMA Publishes Winter 2013 Issue of Early Music America magazine

14 Nov 2013 (PITTSBURGH, PA) –  Early Music America has published the Fall 2013 issue of its quarterly publication, Early Music America magazine.


Love in a Many Splendored Zarzuela
Rachel Penn Adams describes how the Orchestra of New Spain treats its Dallas audience to a Spanish Baroque entertainment, staged as if presented in the spectacular theater of the old Moorish Alcázar.

Excerpt: “Staging rehearsals revealed the spontaneity of Gustavo Tambascio as a director. He comes to each work with an overall plan. But then to watch him call on the distinctive talents of each actor is incredibly exhilirating.”

A Banquet of Music 40 Years in the Serving 
The roots of Baroque orchestras in the United States can be traced back to the first concerts of Boston Baroque in a time when the Tea Party was only an event in Colonial history. By Keith Powers

Excerpt: “The beginnings of Boston Baroque grew naturally out of the atmosphere of the early ’70s, which encouraged exploration and experimentation.” 

Honoring Krebs
The 300th anniversary of the birth of Bach’s star pupil is the occasion for musicians to explore his varied chamber music and his penchant for “having fun with it”. By Rebecca Pechefsky

Excerpt: “In so much of Krebs’s music, there is a rhythmic vitality and willingness to play with the melodic and harmonic material in a way I can only describe as simply ‘having fun with it.’”

Also in this issue: 
Profile: Pure Gold: Beiliang Zhu by Tamara Bernstein
In Conclusion: Dido and Aeneas Reconsidered by James Richman
Plus Recording Reviews, Book Reviews, and Sound Bytes (news from the field).

About Early Music America
Early Music America serves and strengthens the early music community in North America and raises public awareness of early music. EMA was founded in 1985 and provides its 3,000 members with publications, advocacy, and technical support. EMA publishes the quarterly magazine Early Music America. “Early music” includes western music from the Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical periods, performed on period instruments in historically-informed styles. For more information, contact Early Music America at (412) 642-2778, or visit our web site at www.earlymusic.org.

Patrick Nugent, Publicity Director
(412) 642-2778; publicity@earlymusic.org

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